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Dongsheng He

PhD student |


“My research interest lies in sustainable development of urban rail transit in high-density cities, covering aspects of land economy, social well-being, and urban design and morphology. My master thesis was about urban greenery and housing price, using a big data approach."

Current Research

Dongsheng's research promotes sustainable urbanization through transportation and land use planning. In particular, his work examines strategies to increase active travel and implement transit-oriented development (TOD).

He is investigating the mechanisms of land value capture associated with TOD to reveal how municipalities can leverage such urban planning approaches to both fund expanded transit infrastructure and drive broader sustainable development objectives.

Selected Publications

He, D., Miao, J., Lu, Y., Song, Y., Chen, L. and Liu, Y., 2022. Urban greenery mitigates the negative effect of urban density on older adults' life satisfaction: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Cities, 124, p.103607.

Yang, H., Zhang, Q., Helbich, M., Lu, Y., He, D., Ettema, D. and Chen, L., 2022. Examining non-linear associations between built environments around workplace and adults’ walking behaviour in Shanghai, China. Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 155, pp.234-246.

He, D., Sun, G., De Vos, J. and Webster, C., 2022. The effects of metro interventions on physical activity and walking among older adults: A natural experiment in Hong Kong. Health & Place, 78, p.102939.

He, D., Lu, Y., Xie, B. and Helbich, M., 2021. Large-scale greenway intervention promotes walking behaviors: A natural experiment in China. Transportation research part D: transport and environment, 101, p.103095.

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