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Selected publications

  1. Y. Du, G. Sun * (2024). Causal mediation analysis of social and environmental factors in pathways from a metro intervention to eudaimonic wellbeing among older people. Journal of Transport & Health.

  2. J. Zhao, G. Sun*, C. Webster (2024). Global Street Experiment: A Geospatial Database of Pandemic-induced Street Transitions. Landscape and Urban Planning, 1-16.

  3. Y. Du, G. Sun *, , E. Heinen. (2024). Does subjective wellbeing modify travel behaviour changes among older people in response to a new metro line? Journal of Transport Geography, 117, 103858.

  4. D. He, G. Sun *, C. Li, C Webster (2024). New metro and housing price and rent premiums: A natural experiment study in China. Urban Studies, 61(7), 1371-1392.

  5. G. Sun, Y. Du (2023). New metro and subjective wellbeing among older people: A natural experiment in Hong Kong. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 1-15.

  6. G. Sun, E. Y. Choe, C. Webster (2023). Natural experiments in healthy cities research: How can urban planning and design knowledge reinforce the causal inference? Town Planning Review 94(1), 87–108.

  7. E. Choe, D. He, G. Sun* (2023), Trading-off transit and non-transit physical activity among older people: Evidence from longitudinal accelerometer data of a natural experiment study. Journal of Urban

  8. D. He, G. Sun*, J. De Vos, C. Webster (2022), The effects of metro interventions on physical activity and walking among older adults: A natural experiment in Hong Kong. Health & Place.

  9. Y. Du, G. Sun*, M. Kwan (2022). Transit-oriented development for older people: Does using multiple public transport options improve their physical and mental health? Journal of Transport and Land Use.  â€‹

  10. E. Y. Choe, D. Sheffield (2022). The role of natural environments in the effectiveness of brief mindfulness-based stress reduction (brief MBSR): depression, anxiety, stress and hair cortisol from a randomized trial. Journal of Public Health and

  11. D. He, Y. Lu, B. Xie, & M. Helbich (2022). How greenway exposure reduces body weight: A natural experiment in China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 226, 104502.

  12. Y. Eun, Y. Du, G. Sun* (2022), Decline in older adults' daily mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of individual and built environment factors. BMC Public Health,

  13. Y. Du, G. Sun*, E. Choe, M. Kwan (2022). Mediation effects of social isolation on pathways connecting public transport use with subjective wellbeing among older people. Journal of Transport & Health

  14. G. Talamini, D. Shao, A. Chow, G. Sun (2022). The controversial impact of pedestrian guardrails on road crossing behaviours. Evidence from Hong Kong. Urban Design International

  15. J. Zhao, G. Sun*, C. Webster (2022). Does China-Pakistan Economic Corridor improve connectivity in Pakistan? A protocol assessing the planned transport network infrastructure. Journal of Transport Geography 100:103327.

  16. D. He, J. Miao, Y. Lu, Y. Song, L. Chen, & Y. Liu (2022). Urban greenery mitigates the negative effect of urban density on older adults' life satisfaction: Evidence from Shanghai, China. Cities, 124, 103607.

  17. G. Sun, Y. Du, M. Ni, J. Zhao, C. Webster (2021). Metro and Elderly Health in Hong Kong: Protocol for a natural experiment study in a high-density city. BMJ Open

  18. Y. Lu, J. Zhao, X. Wu, S. M. Lo, (2021). Escaping to nature during a pandemic: A natural experiment in Asian cities during the COVID-19 pandemic with big social media data. Science of the Total Environment, 777, 146092. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146092

  19. D. He, Lu, Y., Xie, B., Marco, H. Large-scale greenway intervention promotes walking behaviours: A natural experiment in China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

  20. G. Sun, C. Lau (2021). Go-along with older people to public transport in high-density cities: Understanding the concerns and walking barriers through their lens. Journal of Transport & Health, doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2021.101072

  21. X. Huang, D. He, Y. Liu, S. Xie, R. Wang, & Z. Shi (2021). The effects of health on the settlement intention of rural-urban migrants: Evidence from eight Chinese cities. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 14(1) 31-49. doi: 10.1007/s12061-020-09342-7

  22. E. Y. Choe, A. Jorgensen, D. Sheffield (2021). Examining the effectiveness of mindfulness practice in simulated and actual natural environments: Secondary data analysis, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 66, 127414, doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127414

  23. J. Wang, Gao, F., Tang, P., van der Krabben, E., Ploegmakers, H., & Samsura, A. (2021). Will the increase in local land-based revenues lead to an improvement in environmental quality? An empirical study through the lens of land finance in China. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-28.

  24. G. Sun, J. Zhao, C. Webster, H. Lin (2020). New metro system and active travel: A natural experiment. Environment International, 138, 105605, doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105605

  25. J. Zhao, G. Sun, C. Webster (2020). Walkability Scoring: Why and how does a 3D pedestrian network matter?  Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. doi: 10.1177/2399808320977871  

  26. E. Y. Choe, A. Jorgensen, D. Sheffield (2020). Does a natural environment enhance the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)? Examining the mental health and wellbeing, and nature connectedness benefits. Landscape and Urban Planning, 202, 103886. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.103886

  27. E. Y. Choe, A. Jorgensen, D. Sheffield (2020). Simulated natural environments bolster the effectiveness of a mindfulness programme: A comparison with a relaxation-based intervention. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 67. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.101382

  28. Huang, X., He, D., Tang, S., & Li, X. (2020). Compensation, housing situation and residents' satisfaction with the outcome of forced relocation: Evidence from urban China. Cities, 96, 102436. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2019.102436

  29. J. Wang, Samsura, D. A., & van der Krabben, E. (2020). Negotiating Integrated Land and Transport Development: A Simulation Gaming Approach to Innovative Value Capture Mechanisms in China. Planning Practice & Research, 35(3), 231-250.

  30. G. Sun, D. Wallace, C. Webster (2020). Unravelling the impact of street network structure and gated community layout in development-oriented transit design. Land Use Policy, 90, 104328. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104328

  31. Long, Y., & Zhao, J. (2020). What Makes a City Bikeable? A Study of Intercity and Intracity Patterns of Bicycle Ridership using Mobike Big Data Records. Built Environment, 46(1), 55-75.

  32. G. Sun, C. Webster, X. Zhang, (2019). Connecting the city: A Three-dimensional Pedestrian Network of Hong Kong. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 1-16. doi: 10.1177/2399808319847204 (RTPI early career research excellence, winner and commended)

  33. J. Wang, Samsura, D. A. A., & van der Krabben, E. (2019). Institutional barriers to financing transit-oriented development in China: Analyzing informal land value capture strategies. Transport Policy, 82, 1-10.

  34. van der Krabben, E., Samsura, A., & Wang, J. (2019). Financing Transit Oriented Development by Value Capture: Negotiating Better Public Infrastructure. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

  35. Y. Lu, Y. Yang, G. Sun, Z. Gou (2019) Associations between overhead-view and eye-level urban greenness and cycling behaviours, Cities. 88: 10-18. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2019.01.003

  36. Y. Lu, G. Sun, Gou, Z., Liu, Y., & Zhang, X. (2019). A dose–response effect between built environment characteristics and transport walking for youths. Journal of Transport & Health, 14, 100616. doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2019.100616

  37. G. Sun, X. Han, S. Sun, N. Oreskovic (2018). Living in school catchment neighborhoods: Perceived built environments and active commuting behavior in children of China. Journal of Transport & Health,

  38. G. Sun, C. Webster, A. Chiaradia (2018). Un-gating the cities: A permeability perspective. Urban Studies, 55(12), 2586–2602, doi: 10.1177/0042098017733943

  39. G. Sun, C. Webster, M. Ni, X. Zhang (2018). Measuring high density built environment for public health research: Uncertainty with respect to data, indicator design and spatial scale. Geospatial health, 653: 1-16. doi: 10.4081/gh.2018.653

  40. G. Sun, J. Zacharias (2017). Can bicycle relieve overcrowded metro? Managing short-distance travel in Beijing. Sustainable Cities and Society, 35: 323–330. doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2017.08.010

  41. G. Sun, C. Webster, A. Chiaradia (2017). Objective assessment of station approach routes: development and reliability of an audit for walking environments around metro stations in China. Journal of Transport & Health​, (4):191–20. doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2017.01.010

  42. G. Sun, J. Zacharias and B. Ma, N. Oreskovic (2016). How do metro stations integrate with walking environments? Results from walking access within three types of built environment in Beijing.  Cities, 56: 91-98. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2016.03.001

  43. G. Sun, R. Haining, H. Lin, N. Oreskovic, J. He (2015). Comparing the perception with the reality of walking in a hilly environment: an accessibility method applied to a university campus in Hong Kong. Geospatial Health, 10(340), 32-39. doi: 10.4081/gh.2015.340

  44. G. Sun, N. Oreskovic, H. Lin (2014). How do changes to the built environment influence walking behaviors? a longitudinal study within a university campus in Hong Kong. International Journal of Health Geographics, 13(1), 28. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-13-28 (BioMed Central Highly Accessed Paper)


(Role with reference to Dr Guibo Sun)

  1. PI, Are gated communities capturing the lion's share of metro-created accessibility in China? (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy China Program International Fellowship, 2023.03-2024.05, 35,000 USD)

  2. PI, Methodologies for assessing specific social, economic, health and wellbeing impacts of volumetric urban designs of metro infrastructure projects in the Greater Bay Area (Seed Funding for Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Scheme, 2022.06-2025.06, 1 million HKD)

  3. PI, Reshaping Ties to Urban Environment in Later Life: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Social Wellbeing Impacts of a New Metro Line (Seed Fund for Basic Research, 2022.07-2024.07, 102,500 HKD)

  4. PI, Pricing urban design in the walking catchment of metro stations (NSFC 52078446, 2021.01-2025.01, 580,000 RMB).

  5. PI, Public transport use and health impacts on the elderly: a natural experiment in the high density built environment of Hong Kong. (GRF 17600818, 2018.08-2021.12, 725,000 HKD).

  6. PI, Natural experimental study of impacts of urban rail transit on sustainable travel in a medium-sized Chinese city. (NSFC 41561035, 2016.01-2020.04: 684,000 RMB)

  7. PI, Intercultural perspectives for understanding how people experience everyday space and place (RGC Germany/ Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, G-HKU703/20, 2021.01-2023.01, 90,000 HKD for each side of Germany and Hong Kong)

  8. Co-I, Elderly-friendly environment making during rapid urbanization: A longitudinal study of the impact of built environment on health (NSFC 51808451, 300,000RMB, 2018.09-2021.12)

  9. Co-I, Pedestrian accessibility modelling for high-dense built environment around urban rail transit station. (NSFC 51478300, 2015.01-2018.12: 780,000 RMB)

  10. Co-I, Built environment correlates of children’ physical activity and active space in Beijing. (NSSFC16BTY071, 2016.07-2018.07, 200,000RMB)

  11. PI, Market Research for Hong Kong Planning and Development Surveyors in Belt and Road Countries: Case studies of Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia; (The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, Planning and Development Fund. 2020.07-2020.07, 200,000 HKD)

  12. PI, Walkable environment design guidance of the extension of metro line 4 in Guangzhou, China. (Guangzhou Nansha urban planning center fund, 2014.12-2015.12: 280,000 RMB)

  13. Co-I, Three-dimensional pedestrian network of Hong Kong (Lands Department of Hong Kong SAR, 2016.02-2019.01, 1,380,000 HKD. I was project lead 2016.02-2018.02, and finished the project. Data transaction to Lands Department was done by Alain Chiaradia; Reference: Professor Chris Webster)

  14. Co-PI, Natural Experiments in built environment and elderly health in high-density cities. The 44th round of the URC Postdoc Fellow/RAP Scheme (2020.07-2023.07, 1,500,000 HKD)

  15. PI, Equipment fund for healthy cities research, HKUrbanLabs (2019.01-2019.07, 275,500 HKD)

  16. Co-I, “Smarter Hong Kong”: Development of an Urban Big Data Platform (Platform Technology Fund at HKU, 2018.06- 2020.06, 915,870 HKD).

  17. PI, Belt and Road transit development in Israel: An actor-network theory study (HKU Seed Fund for Basic Research, 2020.07-2022.07, 69,330HKD)

  18. PI, Seed Fund for Basic Research for Resubmission of GRF/ECS Proposals 2020/21 (HKU Seed Fund, 2020.08-2020.11, 49,500HKD)

  19. PI, Assessing Transport Infrastructure Development in Belt and Road Initiative: Development of a Protocol for Connectivity Impact Analysis. (HKU Seed Fund, 201811159121, 2019.03-2021.03, 93,200HKD)     

  20. PI, Walkability and housing price in high-density cities of China. (HKU seed grant, 2017.11-2019.11, 300,000 HKD)

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