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Jianting Zhao

PhD student |


"My research interest lies in big data spatial analysis, tactical urbanism, and natural experiments for practice-based evidence. Before the academic career, I had experience in landscape architecture, urban big data analysis, and project managing."

Current Research

Jianting utilizes a mixed-methods research approach to evaluate the impacts of pandemic-era street interventions on public space utilization. With expertise in landscape design, qualitative inquiry methods, and urban analytics, she is well-positioned to provide multifaceted analysis.

Her past research has included empirical studies of walkability, bike-ability, network connectivity, and travel behavior related to transit-oriented development. Published works have contributed to the scholarly understanding of non-motorized transport planning and sustainable urban mobility transitions. Jianting aims to generate policy-relevant insights regarding the longer-term institutionalization of emergency responses within streets and public realm management.

Selected Publications

Zhao, J., Sun, G. and Webster, C., 2022. Does China-Pakistan Economic Corridor improve connectivity in Pakistan? A protocol assessing the planned transport network infrastructure. Journal of Transport Geography, 100, p.103327.

Lu, Y., Zhao, J., Wu, X. and Lo, S.M., 2021. Escaping to nature during a pandemic: A natural experiment in Asian cities during the COVID-19 pandemic with big social media data. Science of the total environment, 777, p.146092.

Sun, G., Du, Y., Ni, M.Y., Zhao, J. and Webster, C., 2021. Metro and elderly health in Hong Kong: protocol for a natural experiment study in a high-density city. BMJ open, 11(3), p.e043983.

Sun, G., Zhao, J., Webster, C. and Lin, H., 2020. New metro system and active travel: A natural experiment. Environment international, 138, p.105605.

Zhao, J., Sun, G. and Webster, C., 2021. Walkability scoring: Why and how does a three-dimensional pedestrian network matter?. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 48(8), pp.2418-2435.

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